Welcome to the Jost Lab!

About Us
We decode the molecular language of host-microbiome communication using systematic CRISPR technologies and chemically defined in vitro and in vivo experiments. Our goal is to define causal contributions of the microbiome to basic human biology and to provide mechanistic insight into the pathophysiology of human diseases including diabetes and inflammatory disorders to lay the groundwork for the development of microbiome-based therapeutics. Learn more about our research here and about our mission and values here!
We are a new lab (April 2021) in the Department of Microbiology at Harvard Medical School, located on the Longwood Campus. Follow news and updates from us here!
We always welcome applications - visit the Join Us page for more information!
Sarah joined the lab as a rotation student - welcome Sarah!
Baylee, Manasvi, and Nolan's review on functional genomics in host-microbe communications went online - congratulations!
Deepsing joined the lab as a post-doc - welcome Deepsing!
We bid Xing goodbye - best of luck in grad school Xing!