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Kush Desai



B.S. in Biological Sciences (Synthetic Biology), Imperial College London,


UKM.S. in Computational and Synthetic Biology, Imperial College London,


Research interests: synthetic biology, microbiota-host interactions, RNA structural biology, computational biology



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About Kush

Kush grew up and (very boringly) conducted his education in Central London at Imperial College and quickly became fascinated by SynBio in the Centre for Synthetic Biology. He completed his Master's in Computational Biology with Prof Mark Isalan and Prof Robert Endres in which he investigated the emergence of spontaneous Turing patterns, using biomathematics models to simulate morphogen diffusion and the effects of biophysical entrainment on the robustness of this phenomenon. During this time he developed a love for all things coding and can often be found spending 10+ hours to automate a process that takes 15 minutes to do manually.


In his PhD Kush is applying synthetic biology to the microbiome and focussing on the development of biosensors. He has joined the Jost Lab as a Visiting PhD student in order to dive deeply into understanding effectors of host-microbiome interactions and, thereby, decide what to build biosensors for in the future!


Outside of the lab, Kush is a keen jazz musician and (very amateur) chef, although, sadly, his saxophone did not make it across the border!

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© Marco Jost (2020)

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