Manasvi Verma
B.A. in Biology, Minor in Biomedical Physics, Washington University in St. Louis
Research Interests: Complex molecular signaling, regulation of gene expression, host-microbe crosstalk
manasvi_verma -at-
Manasvi grew up in New Delhi, and moved half-way across the world to St. Louis, Missouri in 2016. She attended Washington University in St. Louis (not to be confused with University of Washington) where she majored in Biology with minors in Biomedical Physics and Gender Studies. At WashU, she worked under Dr. Sergej Djuranovic, studying the nucleotide and peptide sequence determinants of translation efficiency in E. coli.
She is currently a PhD candidate in the Harvard BBS program. Her research is focused on understanding how the human host responds to environmental and microbial cues. Specifically, she is studying how the aryl hydrocarbon receptor generates ligand- and cell-type specific transcriptional responses to a wide variety of chemical signals.
When free of pipette, she can be found with a metaphorical pen. Passionate about science communication, she writes for WOWSTEM and is an organizer for ComSciCon’s Flagship Workshop. Outside of science, she loves exploring Boston and its plethora of coffee shops, traveling, listening to live music, wine & paint nights and watching way too much Netflix.