Stephen Early
B.S. in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests: Host-microbiome interactions, microbial physiology, microbial ecology, glycolipids
stephen_early -at-

About Stephen
A native to Massachusetts, Stephen grew up on the north shore prior to venturing out to the good ole Midwest to complete his undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. There, Stephen pursued research biophysically characterizing fundamental forces governing protein-carbohydrate affinity and developed chemical tools to probe quorum sensing systems in Gram-negative bacteria in the labs of Prof. Laura L. Kiessling and Prof. Helen Blackwell, respectively.
Yearning to return to the east coast and be back near the sea, Stephen began as a Laboratory Technician in Daniel Kahne's lab at Harvard in Fall 2019 studying the lipopolysaccharide transport pathway and now is a PhD student in the Chemical Biology program at Harvard. Currently, he is interested in pursuing questions at the nexus of microbial physiology, host-microbe interactions, and high-throughput genetic screening.
When not studying microbes, Stephen enjoys wandering the Boston-area to find the best cup of coffee, going on long hikes, cultivating a fledgling house plant garden, getting funky to 90s dream pop on the dance floor, and spending time with his sisters (he's a triplet!)